What is the reason that Cancer is difficult to treat and Cure
There is a lot of research going on in the world to find a cure for the deadly disease of Cancer. Although the cure of cancer have not been found yet but still due to the better screening and early detection the survival rate amongst the people diagnosed with cancer is improving. Cancer as a disease has more than one reason to start and for thats why Cancer is to difficult to cure. To understand why Cancer is so tough and hard to cure you have to know first that what Cancer is and what are the reasons for Cancer in human beings.
Actually there are 100 s of types of Cancer and there is a different treatment and cures for every type of Cancer. Some types of Cancer are widely spread and some are very rare forms of Cancer. Every type of Cancer have different reasons and the the treatment method is difficult and distinct for every form of Cancer. Some Cancers will respond to Chemotherapy and radiology while other will respond to other treatments.
Other reasons that the cancer is very tough to treat are that the most common types of Cancer like breast Cancer have more drugs available due to more research on these types of common Cancers. Most of the times your doctors will try to shrink the Cancerous tumors and then later on remove the left over mass with the help of surgery.
There are wide variety and ways to cure and treat Cancer in different health establishments. Naturopaths believe that the Cancer can be cured with the help of some special foods and supplements and it is our life style and food which is responsible for increasing the rates of Cancer . On the other hand Homeopaths think that there some other problem in the body and as a result of that problem the Cancer tumor has begun and Homeopath will therefore try to find out reasons for Cancer and the root problems why it started and then try to treat Cancer.
What ever the treatment may be but all agree to one thing and that is if a person is detected in early stages of Cancer then there is a better chance to cure the disease. The reason for this is that to treat a tumor at early stages is easy as there is a good chance that the cancer has not conquered other parts of the body at earlier stage and even if you do surgery or follow other medical regime there is a greater chance that the Cancer can be cured at this stage and it will not Come back in form of recurrence.
July 27th, 2012 at 5:49 am
After reading your article it is certain that Cancer is really a very tough disease but here it must be added that we must be hopeful that the cure of Cancer would be found some day. There was a time when even Fever and Malaria used to kill millions but now we know how to control these diseases. Humanity will find out a way to fight with this disease however in my opinion we should declare a national emergency against cancer and fight this disease. This means we should allocate more funds for Cancer research institutes so that they can make better and more effective treatments for Cancer and even the hardest to treat forms of Cancer. The person who is at high risk of developing Cancer must be screened after every few years to make sure his organs and body are clear of any Cancerous tumor. More study is needed in finding out the reasons of Cancer and a permanent and most effective way to fight Cancer it if we are serious. However if we did not treated it seriously it will keep on killing loved ones.